We discovered Sami’s in 2018 and found they were an amazing addition to our low-carb lifestyle! When our world and everyone else’s changed in March of 2019, we began the challenge of cooking all meals at home. It was a challenge all of us faced. With the ability to order online and using Sami’s shipping of items we were able to continue our low-carb lifestyle and were pushed to become even more creative with our Sami’s products. For example, we began making bread crumbs to use in recipes by toasting and grating low carb sliced bread, we made small individual pizzas using low carb lavash and of course continued to enjoy our favorite products – bagels and crackers! Sami’s enabled us to come through that difficult time having had wonderful meals without changing our eating habits. While our story is not a life changing one – it is a grateful one to Sami’s for these outstanding products.

Thanks so much! Jo and Jack